Sunday 5 June 2011


Time wasters, they seem to be everywhere.
I am getting a lot of complaints recently from the girls I had recruited to the webcam site that I'm working for, about men that waste their time. They talk to them about subjects that are not related to sex (i.e. TV shows, the weather), send them a lot of messages saying "you look gorgeous", or "interest" in what the girl will do for them in private. They are not intending to pay, they are there just to talk to the girls because they are bored and lonely, and most of them are miser, not poor.
Why do they interest in girls that they do not intend to pay?
They know that the girls are there to make money and not just for fun.
Why do dogs chase motorbikes that they don't intend to drive?
Apparently  it's like window-shopping, the men in the website are looking, inspecting, thinking "what if?".  They perceive the girls in the website as products, without considering what they might feel.
I am the one who later hear how they feel. First of all, they feel disappointed. Most of them really need this money, and they are upset as they don't get it. Second, their self-esteem is hurt. The girl experience the situation as 'a lot of people see me but no one wants me', which makes them feel not good enough.

To be honest, I know how they feel. as a freelancer I get many mails from people asking about my work experience, rates, etc. and less than 50% of them actually hire me to work. In the beginning I was thinking that maybe I'm not good enough, or too expensive, but now after I have enough experience I know that it's not me- it's them.
They are window-shopping my services and wasting my time.

This is a personal request for whoever reads this blog- If you are only window shopping someone's service, tell them ahead.

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